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Moxfield Collection Magic The Gathering CSV Generator

This PHP script takes a specifically formated TXT file and converts it into CSV, so that it can be imported into the Moxfield Collection feature.
6 February 2023 - 10:00
Downloads: 458
Category: PHP
Moxfield Collection Magic The Gathering CSV Generator

This PHP script takes a specifically formated TXT file and converts it into CSV, so that it can be imported into the Moxfield Collection feature.

Important to know

This script assume that all your cards are in English and will format the CSV file accordingly.

How the TXT file should be formatted

Example entry: 1 A Little Chat (snc) snc no 47

1 = Count / amount / number of the card
A Little Chat = Name of the card
(snc) = Set code of card with brackets - View full list
snc = Set code of card without brackets - View full list
no = Specify if the card is foil or not (Options: no / foil)
47 = Collector number of the card

It is very important to keep it in the above order and also to have one entry per line.

How to use


  • PHP 7.4 or greater

Execute script:

  1. Download this repository as a ZIP file
  2. Install a local server environment like XAMPP or WAMP, or have access to an online hosting account.
  3. Extract the ZIP file into a folder on your local server environment or your online host.
  4. Inside of the folder you should have a TXT file called mtg-cards-list. You will need to edit this TXT file to include all the cards that you want to import into Moxfield's Collection section. (Please refer to the How the TXT file should be formated section above.)
  5. Type in the URL of the folder, using your browser of choice, and it should run the script.
  6. Once the script has run, you should see a Done message appear in your browser.
  7. Now go into the folder and you should see a file called import.csv. If don't, refresh the folder and it should appear.
  8. Take this import.csv file and import it into the Moxfield Collection section using their Import feature.